Digital networks can communicate with real-world events thanks to the convergence of IT and OT. Both IT and OT, or operational and information technology, transmit information, store data, and constitute the basis of many company operations. To deliver results and…

The proliferation of distributed, decentralized governance structures in large operational technology (OT) environments poses cybersecurity challenges to large industrial companies. Business environments today are increasingly digital, and cyber-attacks are more prevalent than ever. This has led to the development of…

Digital twins are digital replicas of physical assets that allow for improved decision-making, real-time forecasting, optimization, monitoring, and management. These digital models can be utilized to collect more insights that lead to better processes, products, and customer experiences, as well…

Introduction Smart glasses and smartwatches are wearable devices that have gained popularity in the industrial control system. These devices are equipped with advanced features that allow users to access real-time data and communicate with others without using their hands. Smart…