Parijat Conventional Transmitter Upgrade NGC-1006
Graphics Parijat Conventional Transmitter Upgrade is a series of products with options to help migrate existing traditional transmitters to support modern IoT, M2M communications infrastructures & technologies.
- Simple solution – no complex architecture
- Eliminates need for running long cable wiring – virtual wiring
- Supports Digital Inputs, 30mV turbine pulse
- Supports any of the following Analog inputs: 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 1-5VDC, RTD, T/C
- Optional comm inputs: Modbus Master or slave, any other requested protocols, SPI, I2C
- Supports any one of the following wireless outputs: Wi-fi, Lora, Lorawan (Chirpstack), ISA100 wireless, WirelessHART, Zigbee, Bluetooth, BLE, 900MHz etc.
- Any one of the wired outputs: Modbus serial, Modbus TCP, Jason, OPC-UA, Database, HART, Fieldbus, IOLink, Profibus, Profinet, Canbus, CanOpen, J1939, Devicenet etc.
- Other custom protocols may be developed and supported
- Other Lorawan support available.